Established since 1997, MARSAM Refinadora is specialized in refining precious metals intended for the national financial market or for industrial use in sectors that use precious metals as raw material.
Marsam Refinadora was originally called UBR (União Brasileira de Refinadores - Brazilian Union of Refiners), and is the result of the merging of three other important refiners of precious metals: Vanity Metais founded in 1982, Goldmine Fundidora founded in 1984 and Ourinvest Fundidora founded in 1981.
Since its foundation, Marsam Refinadora has been a market leader, creating a solid brand synonymous with quality, reliability and competence, and adding value to its customers, employees and to the entire production chain of precious metals.
We offer a complete portfolio of services seeking to effectively and economically meet our customers' specific needs. Our customers range from primary producer of precious metals and industrial consumers of precious metals and their derivatives, to investors and/or final consumers of precious metal ingots.
Marsam Refinadora is a purifier and refiner of salts and precious metal alloys, having the status in the national market of "Good For Delivery" accredited by B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão.